Office Hours : Thu 12.00 - 13.00 and 16.00 - 17.00, Sat 14.00 - 15.00
Email :
Tel. : 02-727-3971
Ph.D. in Statistics (August, 1999)
The Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, USA
- Dissertation Topic: Adaptive Sampling
- Advisor: Steven K. Thompson, Ph.D.
B.A. in Mathematical Sciences/Statistics (May, 1993)
- Rice University, Houston, TX, USA
Employment history
Associate Professor (Dec., 2009 to present and employed from Oct., 2003)
- National Institute of Development Administration, BKK, TH
Statistical Analyst Consultant (Jan., 2002 to Sept., 2003)
- Scorex an Experian Company, CA, USA
Project Manager (Dec., 2000 to Jan., 2002)
- AnaBus Inc., PA, USA
Statistical Consultant (Aug., 1999 to Dec., 2000)
- PricewaterhouseCoopers, DC, USA
Instructor, Research Assistant, and Teaching Assistant (Aug., 1993 to Aug., 1999)
- The Pennsylvania State University, PA, USA
Consulying Experience
Representative Companies
- General Electric, JCPenney, United States Postal Services, ...
Strategic Consulting - Sample Projects
- Data Quality Studies - Investigated client data for its accuracy and usefulness
- Fraud Detection Models - Built statistical models in order to rank individuals
applying for credit in terms of likelihood to commit fraud
- Optimal Sample Allocation - Cut sampling costs without decreasing precision
- Retail Equipment Comparison - Comparison of retail checkout counter equip -
ment and design in terms of efficiency
- E-Commerce (Return on Investment) - Compared different on-line advertising tools in terms of revenue generation
- Targeted Marketing - Created a target list of individuals, who were expected to be the most profitable to acquire as future clients from a larger list of potential clients
Strategic Consulting - Duties
- Design: Discussed and helped put together the design of the project
- Analysis: Multiple linear, logistic, and piecewise regression, decision tree, ANOVA,ANCOVA, simulation, Neyman allocation, post stratification, ...
- Presentation: Helped make the presentations and presented to senior manage-ment
Process Improvement
- Benchmark model is a model created in order to obtain an estimate of expected performance should a final model be developed. Improved and coded the sam-pling, variable selection, and performance chart steps used in the benchmark model process
- Developed programs that create hundreds of statistical reports in HTML to be viewed in Internet Explorer with hyperlinks. Saved numerous labor hours while producing more elegant reports for our clients
- Developed Excel macros written in visual basic. Used macros to facilitate the importing and formatting of multiple text _les into excel spreadsheets. Also used macros to create over a hundred formatted spreadsheets for each project with hyperlinks
Selected Courses Taught
National Institute of Development Administration
- Data Mining
- Quantitative Analysis for Business Decisions
- Quantitative Research Methodology I
- Quantitative Research Methodology II
- Regression
- Sampling Techniques
- Sampling Theory
- Statistical Methods for Population and Development Research I
- Statistical Quality Control
- Theory of Multivariate Statistics
Dhurakij Pundit University International College
- Advanced Statistics and Business Modeling
Thammasat University, Chulalangkorn University, and NIDA
- Part of an intensive course on statistics for the JDBA
The Pennsylvania State University
- Elementary Statistics
Research Grants
Head of various research grants at NIDA, titled:
- An in-depth look at validating logistic regression models in relation to credit scoring
- Ratio estimators in adaptive cluster sampling
- The enhancement of teaching materials for applied statistics courses by combin-ing random number generation and portable document format _les via LATEX
Selected Publications
Gattone, S. A., Mohamed, E., Dryver, A. L., and Mnnich, R. T. (2016). Adaptive cluster sampling for negatively correlated data. Environmetrics, 27,(2) E103-E113.
Aumeboonsuke, V., and Dryver, A. L. (2014). The importance of using a test of weak-form market e_ciency that does not require investigating the data _rst. International Review of Economics & Finance, 33, 350-357.
Boonsathorn, W., Charoen, D., and Dryver, A. L. (2014). Leveraging Random Number Generation for Mastery of Learning in Teaching Quantitative Research Courses via an E-Learning Method. E-Learning and Digital Media, 11(3), 231-249.
Dryver, A.L., Netharn, Urairat, and Smith, David R. (2012). Partial systematic adaptive cluster sampling. Environmetrics 23(4), 306-316
Dryver, A.L., and Nathaphan, S. (2012). A new perspective on daily value at risk estimates. International Journal of Economics and Finance 4(4), 114-120
Chao, C.T., Dryver, A.L., and Chiang, T.Z. (2011). Leveraging the Rao-Blackwell theorem to improve ratio estimators in adaptive cluster sampling. Environmental and Ecological Statistics 18(1), 543-568
Dryver, A.L. (2011). Focusing on the lower scoring data in order to improve the credit scoring model selection. Advances and Applications in Statistics 20(1), 25-41
Dryver, A.L. (2009). The enhancement of teaching materials for applied statistics courses by combining random number generation and portable document format files via LATEX. Journal of Statistical Software 31(Code Snippet 3), 1-9
Dryver, A.L. and Sukkasem, J. (2009). Validating risk models with a focus on credit scoring models. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 79(2), 181-193
Dryver A.L. (2008) An introduction to business statistics.
Dryver A.L. (2008) Adaptive sampling. In Encyclopedia of survey research methods. (Vol. 1, pp. 4-6). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
Dryver, A.L. and Chao, C.T. (2007). Ratio estimators in adaptive cluster sampling.Environmetrics 18(6), 607-620
Dryver, A.L. and Thompson, S.K. (2007). Adaptive sampling without replacement of clusters. Statistical Methodology 4, 35-43
Dryver, A.L. and Thompson, S.K. (2005). Improved unbiased estimators in adaptive cluster sampling. Journal of Royal Statistical Society B 67(1), 157-166
Dryver, A.L. (2003). Performance of adaptive cluster sampling estimators
Reserach Awards
Nominated for Rachapruek Excellent Research Award at NIDA
Papers awarded for outstanding research by the NIDA:
- Improved unbiased estimators in adaptive cluster sampling
- Ratio estimators in adaptive cluster sampling
- Validating Risk Models With a Focus on Credit Scoring Models
Invited Presentations
A new way to leverage the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test statistic for comparing credit scoring models
- Strategies and Risk Analysis International Conference, 2009
- ISTAR and CARISMA, Bangkok, Thailand
Improving ratio estimators in adaptive cluster sampling using the Rao-Blackwell theorem
- Survey Research Methodology Conference, 2006
- Center for Survey Research, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
- Support provided by the Center for Survey Research Taipei, Taiwan.
Data quality and preparation for model building
- National Conference of Applied Statistics, 2006
- National Institute of Development Administration, Thailand
Building a fraud detection model
- Applied Statistics Seminar: Data Mining and its Applications, 2005
- National Institute of Development Administration, Thailand
A more e_cient estimator in adaptive cluster sampling than the standard Hansen-Hurwitz type estimator
- Future of Statistical Theory, Practice and Education, 2004
- Indian School of Business, India
Computer Skills
- Linux, Mainframe, Unix, and Windows
Statistical Software and Programming Languages
- Basic, C++, Excel VBA, Fortran, HTML, JAVA, JCL, JSP, LATEX, LINDO,MATLAB, Minitab, PAJEK, PASCAL, R, SAS, SIMAN, S-Plus, and SPSS REFERENCES: Available upon request
2550 Ratio estimators in adaptive cluster sampling
2550 เอกสารประกอบการสอน วิชา BA 503 "Quantitative Analysis for Business Decisions"
2550 ตำราเรื่อง An Introduction to Business Statistics ประกอบการสอน วิชา BA 503 "Quantitative Analysis for Business Decisions"
2551 The Enhancement of Teaching Materials for Applied Statistics Courses by Combining Random Number Generation and Portable Document Format Files via LATEX, คณะบริหารธุรกิจ นิด้า
2553 Leveraging the Rao-Blackwell theorem to improve ratio estimators in adaptive cluster sampling, คณะบริหารธุรกิจ สถาบันบัณฑิตพัฒนบริหารศาสตร์
2553 การใช้ Random Number Generation เพื่อส่งเสริมกรเรียนรู้แบบ e-Learning โดยหลักการ Mastery of Learning ในการสอนการวิจัยเชิงปริมาณ (สมบูรณ์แบบ), Leveraging Random Number Generation for Mastery of Learning on Teaching Quantitative Research Courses via e-Learning Method , สถาบันบัณฑิตพัฒนบริหารศาสตร์
2554 -, Focusing on the lower scoring data in order to improve credit scoring model selection. , คณะบริหารธุรกิจ
2555 A New Perspective on Daily Value at Risk Estimates, คณะบริหารธุรกิจ
2555 Partial Systematic Adaptive Cluster Sampling, คณะบริหารธุรกิจ
2555 Developing Credit Scoring Models When Small Sizes Are Available, คณะบริหารธุรกิจ
2557 The Importance of Understanding the Applied Aspects of a Field Even When Doing Theoretical Research, คณะบริหารธุรกิจ
2557 The dangers of using daily value at risk estimates for understanding risk in an inefficient market., คณะบริหารธุรกิจ
2559 Adaptive cluster sampling for negatively correlated data, คณะบริหารธุรกิจ
2559 The Importance of Understanding Fund Fees for Determining Optimal Allocation of Savings for Retirement, คณะบริหารธุรกิจ
2553, Leveraging the Rao-Blackwell theorem to improve ratio estimators in adaptive cluster sampling, Environmental and Ecological Statistics
2554, Focusing on the lower scoring data in order to improve credit scoring model selection, Advances and Applications in Statistics
2555, A New Perspective on Daily Value at Risk Estimates, International Journal of Economics and Finance
2555, Partial Systematic Adaptive Cluster Sampling, International Journal “Environmetrics”
2555, Developing Credit Scoring Models When Small Sizes Are Available, The Business Review Cambridge.
2555, Developing Credit Scoring Models When Small Sizes Are Available, The Business Review Cambridge
2559, Adaptive cluster sampling for negatively correlated data, Environmetrics