Siripattana Continuing Education Center (Director)
National Institute of Development Administration, January 2022 to the present
NIDA Business School
National Institute of Development Administration, 1996 to the present
S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications, Syracuse University
Christian University of Thailand, June 2021 to the present
World Vision International, November 2022 onwards
World Vision Foundation of Thailand, July 2011 to May 2020; May 2021 to the present
Payap University, Chiang Mai, Thailand, July 2013 to June 2017
The Education Ministry, Church of Christ of Thailand Foundation, 2015 to 2019
National Institute of Development Administration, 2010 to 2012
Business Education Quality Assurance
AACSB Mentor,
Initial Accreditation Committee (IAC) IAC-Z committee member, Association to Advance the Collegiate Schools of Business. July 2016- July 2019.
Co-facilitator. AACSB-Business Accreditation Seminar (BAS) 2015 to the present.
Co-facilitator, AACSB-Impact Forum, Hong Kong, China, May 2018
Invited presenter, a panel discussion on Successful Strategies for Achieving Initial AACSB Accreditation. AACSB’s Asia Pacific Annual Conference. 23-25 May 2013. Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China.
Invited presenter, a panel discussion on Quality Assurance in Asia Pacific. AACSB’s Asia Pacific Annual Conference. 23-25 May 2012. Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management. Beijing, China.
Peer-reviewed team member, European Quality Improvement System (EQUIS) for Thammasat Business School’s assessment. 27-29 March 2012. Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand
Corporate Governance
Pouykey Service Limited Partnership
Managing a family business involving property development and automobile repair services.
Tennessee Associates International Inc.
Conducted focus group interviews with more than 300 employees of Petroleum Authority of Thailand (PTT) in an effort to develop the Integrated Management and Leadership Development System (IMLDS) for the human resource system of PTT.
Shinawatra Telewiz Company Limited
Participated in High Performance Organization (HPO), a business process improvement program arranged by Tennessee Associates International Inc. to improve marketing and sales processes of Shinawatra Telewiz Co. Ltd, a marketing arm of the Shinawatra Group.
Shinawatra Computer and Communications Public Company Limited
Responsible for end user product sales of non-mobile telephone products which include Direct-to-Home (DTH) Satellite broadcasting equipment and other new communicationsproducts.
International Broadcasting Corporation Public Company Limited
Initiated a home shopping program “Cable Home Shop”. Conducted feasibility studies for bidding for Channel 12 and the second UHF stations. Participated in a public hearing by the Department of Public Relations to launch free satellite television stations and the policy to allow advertisements on pay television. Reviewed a plan to install MultiCipher UHF decoders for descrambling MMDS signals.
Morgan Grenfell Asia Securities (HK) Ltd. (currently Deutsch Morgan Grenfell)
Smith New Court Far East Ltd. (currently Merrill Lynch)
Visited companies listed in the Stock Exchange of Thailand. Analyzed and forecast their financial performances. Sectors specializing included: Petrochemical, Commerce, Entertainment and Recreation, Foods and Beverages, Health Care Services, Household Products and Printing & Publishing.
Ph.D. Mass Communications, 1992 S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications Syracuse University Dissertation topic: "High Definition Television (HDTV): A Model of Collaboration for Defining Telecommunications Policy Options"
M.A. Administrative Studies, 1986 Center for International Studies Ohio University, Athens, Ohio.
Grad. Dip. Thai and English Translation, 1985 Graduate School, Chulalongkorn University
B.A. (First Class Honors), English, 1984 Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand.
Graduate School of Business Administration,
National Institute of Development Administration, 1996-present
“Marketing Management”
“Marketing Communication”
“Information Technology and Management”
Joint Doctoral Program of Business Administration
National Institute of Development Administration, Chulalongkorn University and Thammasat University, 1998-2010
“Marketing Theory and Practice”
S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications, Syracuse University, 1987-1992
"Advertising Research"
"Telecommunications Management"
"Cable Television & Broadband Communications"
"TV-Radio-Film Criticism"
"Broadcasting & Public Interest"
Retailing Program, College for Human Development, Syracuse University, 1989-1990
"Retailing Fundamental"
"Retail Sales Management"
"Senior Project in Retailing"
Hongcharu, B. (2018). Marketing Communications: Interacting with Customers and Building Strong Brands. Bangkok: Aekpimthai Publishing.
Hongcharu, B. (2018). The Research Notes: Understanding How to Conduct Conceptual Experimental Research in Marketing Communications. Samut Prakan: DKprinting.
Hongcharu, B. (2000). Essentials of Marketing Communications. 152 pages
35. Hongcharu, B. (2019). Effects of Message Variation and Communication Tools Choices on Consumer Research. Global Business Review, Vol. 20 No. 1, 42-56 (Paper presented at the Business, Economics, Social Science and Humanities BESSH-2016. Casablanca, Morocco, July 30-31, 2016).
34. Hongcharu, B. (2018). The Influences of Corporate’s Message Appeal and Electronic Word of Mouth on Consumer Response. NIDA Business Journal. Vol 22 (May), 130-151. (Paper presented at the International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences Conference, Tel Aviv, Israel. March 7-11, 2017).
33. Hongcharu, B. (2017). Content Recall in Marketing Communications: A Study of Communication Tools and Message Strategies. International Journal of Business and Management Science. Vol. 7 No. 1, 35-48 (Paper presented at the the 3rd International Conference on Emerging Research Trends in Social Sciences, Humanities, Management and Business Studies (ERTSHMB) Amman, Jordan, December 19-20, 2016).
32. Hongcharu, B. & Eiamkanchanalai, S. (2015). Strengthening Brand Presence and Creating Brand Relationships in the Society through Integrated Marketing Communications. International Journal of Economics Research. Vol. 12 No. 4. 1307-1318.
31. Hongcharu, B. (2015). A Model of Social Interactivity through Internet-based Technologies: Implications for Marketing Communications. International Journal of Applied Business and Economics Research. Vol. 13 No. 1. 67-82 (Paper presented at the International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia. June 24-26, 2014).
30. Hongcharu, B. (2012). Factors influencing customer interactions in social media marketing. International Academic Research Journal of Business and Management Vol 1, No.3. 11-23. (Paper presented at the International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences Conference, Dubrovnik, Croatia. June 24-26, 2012).
29. Leelakulthanit, O. & Hongcharu, B. (2012). “Perceived customer value regarding eco- cars” Journal of Global Business Management.. Vol. 8 No. 1. 74-79.
28. Hongcharu, B. (2011). Instantaneous marketing: An analysis of processes to make a connection with customers through new communications technologies. International Journal of Management & Information Systems. Vol. 15, No. 4. 113-122.(Paper presented at the 2011 Barcelona European Business & Economics Conference,
Barcelona, Spain. June 6-9, 2011. (Best Paper)
27. Leelakulthanit, O. & Hongcharu, B. (2011). “Factors that affect customer satisfaction: Evidence from the Thailand mobile cellular network industry” International Journal of Management and Marketing Research. Vol. 4 No. 2. 67-76.
26. Leelakulthanit, O. & Hongcharu, B. (2011). “Marketing For Life In The Economic Recession Time”. International Business & Economics Research Journal. Vol. 10, no. 4. 57-66.
25. Leelakulthanit, O. & Hongcharu, B. (2011). The Determinants of Brand Loyalty in the Online and Offline Banking Sectors. Journal of Global Business Management. Vol. 7 No. 1 April 2011, 83-95.
24. Hongcharu, B. (2010). “A Model of Public Relations Processes for Persuasion: Implications for Integrated Marketing Communications in the Internet Era.” Advances in Business-Related Scientific Research Journal. Vol 1., No. 2. P. 145-155. (Proceedings of the 2010 Advances in Business-Related Scientific Research Conference. Paper presented at the Advances in Business-Related Scientific Research Conference. 8-10 September 2010. Olbia (Sardinia), Italy).
23. Hongcharu, B. & Eiamkanchanalai, S. (2009). “A Comparative Study of Traditional Mass Media, the Internet and Mobile Phones for Integrated Marketing Communications: Implications for New Opportunities in Building Brands and Creating Customer Relations”. Journal of Business and Economics Research. Vol. 7, No.12 (December 2009). P. 31-40. (Proceedings of the 2009 European Applied Business Research
Conference. Paper presented at the European Applied Business Research Conference. 8-11 June, 2009. Prague, Czech Republic). (Best Paper)
22. Hongcharu, B. (2008) “Rethinking Integrated Marketing Communications: Analysis of
Communication Mix Functions and a Conceptual Framework of IMC Planning Process”
Proceedings of the Academy of World Business Marketing and Management
Development Conference. Vol. 3, No. 1 pp. 258-272. (Paper presented at the Academy of World Business Marketing and Management Development Conference. 14-17 July 2008, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
21. Hongcharu, B. & Eiamkanchanalai, S. (2007). “Word of Mouth Marketing: A Model of Personal Interaction for Integrated Marketing Communication”. Global Business & Economics Anthology, Vol. I, December 2007. p. 399-406. (Paper presented at the Business & Economic Society International Conference. 16-20 July, 2007. Antibes, France.)
20. Hongcharu, B. & Eiamkanchanalai, S. (2006). “A Conceptual Framework of Interactive Marketing: Characteristics and Processes of Interactive media in Integrated Marketing Communication”. Global Business & Economics Anthology, Vol. II, December 2006. p. 64-72. (Paper presented at the Business & Economic Society International Conference. 15-19 July, 2006. Florence, Italy.)
19. Hongcharu, B. (2006). “Transparency and Accountability of Listed Non-financial Companies in Post-crisis Thailand”. In Sakulrat Montreevat (Ed.). Corporate Governance in Thailand. p. 1-27. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. (Paper presented at the Workshop “Corporate Governance Practices and Challenges in Post-crisis Thailand” Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 8 October 2003, Singapore.)
18. Hongcharu, B. & Eiamkanchanalai, S. (2006). “Public Relations in Integrated Marketing Communication: A Model of Strategic Public Relation Processes for Creating Sustainable Customer Relations.” In Nicolas Papadopoulos & Cleopatra Veloutsou (Eds.). Marketing from the Trenches: Perspectives on the Road Ahead. p.51-66. (Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Business, Economics, Management and Marketing. Athens Institute for Education and Research. 16-18 June, 2005. Athens, Greece.)
17. Hongcharu, B. (2006). “The Roles and Responsibilities of Board of Directors in Thailand: Paving New Path toward Corporate Governance”. Corporate Ownership & Control. Vol.3 Issue 4, Summer 2006. p. 184-191 (Paper presented at the Third World Congress of the International Society of Business, Economic and Ethics, 14-17 July 2004, Melbourne, Australia.)
16. Hongcharu, B. (2004). “Shareholder’s Responsibilities in Developing Corporate Governance in Thailand”. Paper presented at the workshop on corporate governance, European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM), 4-5 November 2004, Brussels, Belgium.
15. Hongcharu, B. (2004). “Improving Corporate Governance in Thailand: Roles of Accountants”. In Lu, Tong (Ed.). Corporate Governance Reform: International Experience and China’s Practice. Beijing: Xin Hua Press. (Paper presented at the Second International Symposium on Corporate Governance organized by the Chinese Center for Corporate Governance (CCCG). Workshop 15-17 October 2003, Beijing China.)
14. Hongcharu, B. (2003). “Educating the Public about Good Corporate Governance Practices through Marketing Public Relations and Media”. In Conference Proceedings of the Sacred Media Conference, Global Media Ethics Session (Paper presented at the Sacred Media Conference. 10-13 July 2003. Jyvaskyla, Finland.)
13. Hongcharu, B. (2001). “Voluntary Approaches towards Good Corporate Governance: A Lesson from Thailand”. In Jesus Estanislao & Guo Jiading (Eds.) Good Corporate Governance: East Asian Perspectives. Beijing: World Knowledge Press. pp. 59-71.
12. Hongcharu, B. & Eiamkanchanalai, S. (May 2001). “Cooperation among Academic Institutions, Regulators and Firms to Cultivate Corporate Governance through Marketing Communication”. In Proceedings for the Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning (ASAIHL) Seminar 17-19 May 2001, Brisbane, Australia, p. 368-378.
11. Leelakultanit, Orose & B. Hongcharu (July, 2000). “Relationship Marketing in Thailand” In Proceedings for the 2000 Annual Conference of the Academy of International Business, Southeast Asia Region, Hong Kong SAR, People’s Republic of China. p.150-159.
10. Merchant, Hemant & B. Hongcharu (June, 2000). “Joint Venture Characteristics across Partner Nationality and Expected Joint Venture Performance”. Paper presented at the Eight Pacific Basin Finance, Economics and Accounting Conference and the Second ADSGM International Conference. 1-2 June, 2000. Bangkok, Thailand.
9. Hongcharu, B. (February, 1999). “An Analysis of Different Opinions on Consortia for Research and Development and Consortia for Manufacturing in New Product Development.” Journal of International Marketing and Marketing Research (Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research (MAPOR), 20-22 November, 1997. Chicago, Illinois.)
8. Hongcharu, B. & Eiamkanchanalai. S. (July, 1998). “Global Marketing Alliance in the Airline Industry: Towards A Conceptual Framework” Journal of Euro-Asian Management. Vol 4. no. 1. 45-65. (Paper presented at the conference on International Joint Ventures: Euro-Asian Perspective. 15-16 June 1998. Asian Institute of Technology Center, Bangkok, Thailand.)
7. Hongcharu, B. & Eiamkanchanalai. S. (September, 1997). “Call Center: An Emerging Technology for Managing Customer Relations”. In Proceedings for the Eighth Annual ENDEC World Conference on Entrepreneurship, Los Angeles, California. pp. 14-20.
6. Hongcharu, B. (November, 1992). The Desirability and Likelihood of Occurrence of High Definition Television Technology. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research (MAPOR), Chicago, Illinois.
5. Hongcharu, B. (November, 1991). Public Policy Options and Collaboration for High Definition Television (HDTV) Development. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research (MAPOR), Chicago, Illinois.
4. Hongcharu, B. (October, 1991). High Definition Television (HDTV): Digital Technology Towards New Horizons in Communication. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Florida Communication Association, Vero Beach, Florida.
3. Hongcharu, B. (November, 1990). Characteristics of Research on Sex-role Stereotyping and Television. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Speech Communication Association, Chicago, Illinois.
2. Hongcharu, B. (June, 1990). International Cooperation for a Single World Production Standard of High Definition Television. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Dublin, Ireland.
1. Hongcharu, B. (August, 1989). High Definition Television: A New Challenge for Telecommunication Policy. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Washington, D.C.
2552 A Comparative Study of Traditional Mass Media, the Internet And Mobile Phones ofr Integrated Marketing Communications:Implications for New Oppertunities in Building Brands and Creating Customer Relations, คณะบริหารธุรกิจ สถาบันบัณฑิตพัฒนบริหารศาสตร์
2553 A Model of Public Relations Processes for Persuasion : Implications for Integrated Marketing Communications in the Internet Era, คณะบริหารธุรกิจ สถาบันบัณฑิตพัฒนบริหารศาสตร์
2553 Marketing for Life in The Economic Recession Time, คณะบริหารธุรกิจ สถาบันบัณฑิตพัฒนบริหารศาสตร์
2553 Factors That Impact Customer Satisfaction : Evidence from the Thailad Mobile Cellular Network Industry, ชื่อเดิม How Utilitarian benefits, Hedonic benefits and Corporate Image Influence Customer Satisfaction: A Study of the Mobile Cellular Network Industry in Thailand , คณะบริหารธุรกิจ สถาบันบัณฑิตพัฒนบริหารศาสตร์
2554 -, Instantaneous Marketing : An Analysis of Processes to Make a Connection with Customers through New Communications Technologies , คณะบริหารธุรกิจ
2554 Perceived Customer Value Regarding Eco-cars, คณะบริหารธุรกิจ
2555 Factors Influencing Customer Interactions in Social Media Marketing, คณะบริหารธุรกิจ
2555 Influences on Smartphone Repurchase, คณะบริหารธุรกิจ
2555 Reconceptualization of Life Satisfaction in Thailand: The Case of Bangkokians after The Flood Crisis, คณะบริหารธุรกิจ
2557 A Model of Social Interactivity through Internet-based Technologies: Implications for Marketing Communications, คณะบริหารธุรกิจ
2558 Effects of Message Variation and Communication Tools Choices on Consumer Response, คณะบริหารธุรกิจ
2558 Strengthening Brand Presence and Creating Brand Relationships in the Society through Integrated Marketing Communications, คณะบริหารธุรกิจ
2559 Content Recall in Marketing Communications: A Study of Communication Tools and Message Strategies, คณะบริหารธุรกิจ
2549, A Conceptual Framework of Interactive Marketing: Characterstics and Poocesses of Interactive Media in Integrated Marketing Communication, Global Business & Economics Anthology II
2549, Transparency and Accountability of Listed Non-Financial Companies in Post-Crisis Thailand, Corporate Governance in Thailand
2549, Public Relations in Integrated Marketing Communication : A Model of Strategic Public Relation Processes for Creating Sustainable Customer Relations, Marketing from the Trenches : Perspectives on The Road Ahead
2551, Word of Mouth : A model of Personal Interaction in Integrate Marketing Communication, BUSINESS & ECONOMICS SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL(B&ESI)
2552, A Comparative Study of Traditional Mass Media, the Internet And Mobile Phones ofr Integrated Marketing Communications, Journal of Business & Economics Research
2554, Instantaneous Marketing: An Analysis Of Processes To Make A Connection With Customers Through New Communications Technologies, International Journal of Management & Information Systems
2555, Factors Influencing Customer Interactions in Social Media Marketing, International Academic Research Journal of Business and Management.
2558, A Model of Social Interactivity through Internet-based Technologies: Implications for Marketing Communications, International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research