

รศ.ดร.อัษฎา จินตกานนท์




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1994  Bachelor of Economics (Economics) Yokohama National University (Japan)

1998  Master of Management (Strategy, Finance, and Marketing) Northwestern University (USA)

2007  Doctor of Philosophy (Business Administration) The University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill (USA)


Chintakananda, A., & Liu, XX. 2024. “The price of kindness: Perceived bribery pervasiveness and coping mechanisms in an emerging market.” Asia Pacific Journal of Management.

Chintakananda, A., McIntyre, D. P., Tong, T. W. 2024. “Real options: Connecting with other perspectives and exploring new frontiers.” Academy of Management Perspectives.  [In press].

Tangdenchai, C., Chintakananda, A. 2024. “Can Money buy happiness? Bribery practices and ethical awareness in emerging markets.” Society and Business Review, 19(3): 455-472.

Tangdenchai, C., Chintakananda, A. & White, G. O. 2023. “Active and passive bribery's impact on firm relational embeddedness: Evidence from Thailand.” Asian Business & Management, 22(4): 1773-1799.  

White, G. O., Chintakananda, A. & Rajwani, T. 2023. “Seeds of corruption? The contingent role of ties to politicians and foreign subsidiary relations with government sponsored financial institutions. British Journal of Management, 34(1): 466-486.

Chumnangoon, P., Chiralaksanakul, A. & Chintakananda, A. 2023. “How closeness matters: The role of geographical proximity on social capital development and knowledge sharing in SMEs.” Competitiveness Review, 33(2): 280-301

McIntyre, D. P., Srinivasan, A. & Chintakananda, A. 2020. “The persistence of platforms: The role of network, platform, and complementor attributes.” Long Range Planning, 101987.

Kang, E., Chintakananda, A. 2019. “How Host-country Independent Directors of Foreign-Listed Firms Can Mitigate Negative Categorizations.” Management and Organization Review, 15(4): 773-807.

 Tan, B. R., Chintakananda, A. 2016. “The Effects of Home Country Political and Legal Institutions on Firms’ Geographic Diversification Performance.” Global Strategy Journal, 6(2):105-123.

Chintakananda, A. & McIntyre, D. P. 2014. “Market Entry in the Presence of Network Effects: A Real Options Perspective.” Journal of Management, 40(6): 1535-1557.

McIntyre, D. P. & Chintakananda, A. 2014. “Competing In Network Markets: Can the Winner Take All?” Business Horizons, 57(1): 117-125.

McIntyre, D. P. & Chintakananda, A. 2013. “A Real Options Approach to Releasing “Network” Products.” Journal of High Technology Management Research, 24(1): 42-52.

Chintakananda, A., York, A., O’Neill, H. M., & Peng, M. 2009. “Structuring Dyadic Relationships Between Export Producers and Intermediaries.” European Journal of International Management, 32(2): 302-327.

Tong, T. W., Alessandri, T.M., Reuer, J.J. & Chintakananda, A. 2008. “Sources of Valuable Growth Options: A Multi-Country Analysis.” Journal of International Business Studies, 39(3): 387-405.

McIntyre, D. P., Chintakananda, A., & Chen, W. 2015 “Uncertainty in Strategy Research: An Overview and Research Agenda.” Strategic Management Review, 9(1): 55-75. 

Chintakananda, A. & O’Neill, H. M. 2008. “Multidimensionality of Uncertainty and Entrepreneurial Action: The Influence on Firms’ IPO Decisions.” Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.


McIntyre, D. P., Srinivasan, A. & Chintakananda, A. 2021. “For platforms, durability is the new strategic imperative.”  London School of Economics Business Review.

Thoumrungroje, A., Racela, O. C., & Chintakananda, A. 2019. “Overcoming Knowledge Stickiness in International Business Simulation Games.” The Palgrave Handbook of Learning and Teaching International Business and Management, Gonzalez-Perez, M. A., Lynden, K., Taras, V., Eds. Palgrave Macmillan.

Chintakananda, A. 2016. Strategic Management Theories: Foundation and Application, Chulalongkorn University Press.

Ragozzino, R., Chintakananda, A. & Reuer, J.J. 2012. “The Use of Quantitative Methodologies in Strategic Management Research.” The Edward Elgar Handbook of Research on Competitive Strategy, G. B. Dagnino, Ed. 379-395.

Chintakananda, A. & York, A. 2005. “Choosing the Optimal Export Strategy.” Global Strategy, Mike W. Peng, Eds., Thomson: Ohio.