NIDA International Business Conference 2019
Transforming Business to the Future

March 2nd, 2019

Call for Papers Theme “Transforming Business to the Future”


  • November 30, 2018
    Submission Deadline
  • end of December, 2018
    Notification of review committee decisions
  • Camera Ready Paper & Pre-Registration: January 30, 2019

The 4th NIDA International Business Conference is a full day event that brings together academics and industry professionals in various disciplines to network, exchange, and share their latest ideas, knowledge, and experiences related to the theme of the 2019 NIDA International Business Conference, “Transforming Business to the Future”.

 The conference will be comprised of a keynote speaker session, research paper presentations, a case development workshop for faculty members and students, as well as invited presentations from business practitioners.

 Conference Theme “Transforming Business to the Future”

 We have witnessed drastic changes in economies, societies, and technologies due to the globalization, social structure, and digital transformation and disruption over decades. In fact, digitalization has changed the nature of business and led to the birth of many successful business platforms like Airbnb and Uber. The well-established firms are facing challenges and pressure from their competitors and start-ups that have adapted to the digital economy. Many disruptive technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analytics, Internet of Things (IoT), Social Media, 3D & 4D printing, Cloud Technologies, Blockchain, and Robotics are the great examples that have significantly influenced processes, products and services, and business models. Thus, it is not surprised that John Chambers, the retired Cisco CEO, predicted that “40% of companies will be dead in 10 years; even though 70% of companies would attempt to go digital but only 30% of those would succeed” (Bort, 2015). Meanwhile, Gartner, Inc., the leading research and advisory company, released the results of Top Strategic Predictions for 2018 and Beyond that, “by 2020, 5 of top 7 digital giants such as Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google will willfully self-disrupt to create their next leadership opportunity and IoT technology will be in 95% of electronics for new product designs” (Panetta, 2017).

 Many research opportunities on both empirical and conceptual basis exist to guide us on how our business should be transformed to cope with the influence of digitization and disruption on our society. In other words, we are looking for submissions that create, identify, and leverage the innovative potentials on how digitalization impacts the traditional business models, what the future business strategies should be developed for guiding management practices, what platforms or mechanisms that organizations should activate to reconfigure their business models, how disruptive technologies impact the firms’ short-term and long-term strategies, and how the use of digital platforms influence strategic decision-making.

 We hope that those, who attend the conference, will be interested in both paper and transformation leader sessions, which cover a wide range of research areas including accounting, e-commerce, international business, organizational behavior, strategy and policy, sustainability, competitiveness, economics, decision sciences, finance, marketing, information technology, operations management, and supply chain management etc.

 Paper Submission deadline: November 30, 2018
Acceptance Notification: By the end of December
Camera Ready Paper & Pre-Registration: January 30, 2019