
Faculty & Research

Assoc.Prof.Dr.Kanogporn Narktabtee

Associate Dean for Administrative Affairs



Office Hours : Fri 9.00 - 12.00, 13.00 - 16.00

Email :

Tel. : 02-727-3975


Professional Experience

June 2015 – Present ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR NIDA Business School National Institute of Development Administration Areas of interest: Financial and Managerial Accounting

June 2004 – June 2015 ASSISTANT PROFESSOR NIDA Business School National Institute of Development Administration Areas of interest: Financial and Managerial Accounting

October 2000- May 2004 LECTURER Department of Accounting Faculty of Business Administration Kasetsart University

August 1999- May 2000 GRADUATE INSTRUCTOR University of Arkansas, Fayetteville Sam Walton College of Business Administration Instructor of Introduction of Accounting II

July – September 1992 FINANCIAL ANALYST Department of Registration The Thai Security Exchange Commission, Thailand


 March 2006-May 2011 CHAIRMAN of a Special Task Force Committee 
The Federation of Accounting Professions (FAP) Objective: To develop guidelines for accounting practices for the Small-Medium Enterprises in Thailand

August 2001-March 2005 COMMITTEE MEMBER The Thai Accounting Standards Board (TASB) The Institute of Certified Accountants and 
Auditors of Thailand (ICAAT)


Narktabtee, Kanogporn. Financial Reporting Quality of ASEAN Countries. Proceedings the 4th International Conference of Advancement of Development Administration (the 4th ICADA 2015). NIDA

Narktabtee, Kanogporn. Accounting Characteristics and Performance of the Thai Value and Growth Stocks Proceedings the 2nd International Conference of Advancement of Development Administration (the 2nd ICADA 2013). NIDA 

Narktabtee, Kanogporn, Suntaree Patpanichchot. Investor Protection, Deviation of Local Accounting Standards From IFRS, and the Effectiveness of the IFRS Adoption. Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing. ISSN 1548-6583. December 2011. vol. 7 No. 12 1329-1343.

  • Presented at the 16th Annual Mid-year Conference & the 6th Annual Doctoral / New Faculty Consortium of the International Accounting Section of the American Accounting Association, January 28-30, 2010.

Narktabtee, Kanogporn, Suntaree Patpanichchot. The Impact of Country-level vs Firm-level Factors on the Effectiveness of IFRS Adoption: The Case of European Union. International Business & Economics Research Journal. October 2011. volume 10 no. 10. 79-92.

  • Presented at 2010 Annual Meeting and Conference Asian Academic Accounting Association (AAAA). November 28-December1, 2010 Bangkok (Hosted by Thammasat University, Thailand.

Narktabtee, Kanogporn. The Value Relevance of Accounting Information in Asian Countries. NIDA Business Journal (ISSN 1905-6826). May 2010 125-144.

Narktabtee, Kanogporn, Pisek Chainirun. The Evidence of Management Motivation to Revalue of Property Plant and Equipment in Thailand. NIDA Business Journal. November 2009 134-155.

Narktabtee, Kanogporn, Manatip Chankitisakul. Segment Reporting Compliance of the Listed Companies in Thailand. NIDA Business Journal. May 2007 139-158.

Narktabtee, Kanogporn, Ervin L. Black, Thomas Carnes. 2000. Earnings Management Around Initial Public Offerings in Thailand (Working Paper)

  • Presented at the 9th International Association for Accounting Education and Research Conference November 14-16, 2002 Hong Kong
  • Presented (by Dr. Thomas Carnes) at the 14th Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues November 2002 Los Angeles USA

Narktabtee, Kanogporn, Ervin L. Black, Thomas Carnes. 2000. The Effects of Earnings and Cash Flow Permanence on Their Incremental Information Content in Thailand. Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics. vol. 9 no 1 1-16

  • Presented at Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics Symposium 2001 January 4-5, 2001 Hong Kong
  • Presented (by Dr. Ervin L. Black) at the 2001 Annual Midyear International Section Conference. American Accounting Association January 12-13 2001 Phoenix Arizona USA


Narktabtee Kanogporn. Accounting Practices of the Thai SMEs. Competitive Review. NIDA Business School. October-December 2008.


Narktabtee Kanogporn. 2014 Financial Accounting. Bangkok. Thailand. 420

Narktabtee Kanogporn. 2017 Management Accounting. Bangkok. Thailand. 328


June 2016 – Present Assistant to the president for finance and Accounting, NIDA

October 2016- Present Director of Flexible MBA Program NIDA Business School National Institute of Development Administration

April 2010 – April 2013 ASSOCIATE DEAN, Planning and Development NIDA Business School National Institute of Development Administration

May 2008 - April 2010 Director of English MBA Program NIDA Business School National Institute of Development Administration

October 2005 – May 2008 Committee Member, Young-Executive MBA Program, MBA (English) and Flexible MBA Program, NIDA, Thailand

February 2005- September 2005 Project Manager, AACSB International Project, NIDA, Thailand

June 2004 – September 2004 Committee Member, MBA Program, NIDA, Thailand

November 2001 – June 2002 Committee Member, Executive MBA Program, Kasetsart University


2000 Ph. D. in Business Administration (Accounting) University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, USA Dissertation: The Implications of Accounting Information in the Thai Capital Market

1995 M. B. A (Accounting) University of Houston, Houston, Texas

1992 M. B. A. (Financial Management) National Institute of Development Administration Bangkok, Thailand

1990 B. B. A (Accounting) Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand


1993-1999 The Royal Thai Government Scholarship

1995 Dean’s Award for Academic Excellence College of Business Administration University of Houston

1991 NIDA Award for Academic Excellence National Institute of Development Administration


2550 การสำรวจความคิดเห็นของนักบัญชีเกี่ยวกับการบัญชีสำหรับ SMEs, สภาวิชาชีพบัญชี ในพระบรมราชูปถัมภ์

2550 Segment Reporting Compliance of the Listed Companies in Thailand , คณะบริหารธุรกิจ นิด้า

2550 เอกสารประกอบการสอน วิชา บธ.630 "Management Accounting"

2553 The Value Relevance of Accounting Information in Asian Countries, คณะบริหารธุรกิจ สถาบันบัณฑิตพัฒนบริหารศาสตร์

2554 The Impact of Country-level vs Firm-level Factors on the Effectiveness of IFRS Adoption : the Case of European Union, คณะบริหารธุรกิจ

2556 Accounting Characteristics and Performance of the Thai Value and Growth Stocks, คณะบริหารธุรกิจ

2556 การสำรวจความเห็นของผู้สอบบัญชีรับอนุญาตต่อรายงานทางการเงินของบริษัทจดทะเบียนในตลาดหลักทรัพย์แห่งประเทศไทยและตลาดเอ็ม เอ ไอ, The survey of auditors’ opinions and the corporate governance of the listed companies in Thailand , คณะบริหารธุรกิจ

2558 คุณภาพของการรายงานทางการเงินของประเทศในกลุ่มอาเซียน , Financial Reporting Quality of ASEAN Countries , คณะบริหารธุรกิจ


2550, Segment Reporting Compliance of the Listed Companies in Thailand, วารสารบริหารธุรกิจ นิด้า

2553, The Value Relevance of Accounting Information in Asian Countries, วารสารบริหารธุรกิจ นิด้า (NIDA BUSINESS JOURNAL)

2554, The Impact of Country-level vs Firm-level Factors on the Effectiveness of IFRS Adoption : The Case of European Union, International Business & Economics Research

2556, Architecture Engagement Dynamic: Contemporary Approach to Enhance Employee Creativity, International Journal of Innovation. Management and Technology