
Faculty & Research

Prof.Dr.Kamphol Panyagometh, CFA, FRM

Director of MF / Flexible-MF



Office Hours : Mon 9.00-12.00 , Wed 9.00-12.00.

Email :

Tel : 02-727-3332



2002 York University Ph.D. Finance

1997 National Institute of Development Administration, Thailand MBA Finance

1993 King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Thonburi, Thailand B.S. Microbiology


Topic: Three Essays on Bank Failure Resolution Policies, Subordinated Debt, and Loan Syndications


Investment, Corporate Finance, Risk Management, and Derivatives


2013 – Present Vice President for Research and Consulting Services, National Institute of Development Administration

2016 – Present Professor in Finance, NIDA Business School

2015 – Present Sub-committee of Takeover Panel, Securities and Exchange Commission Thailand

2011 – Present Chairman of Risk Management Committee, Stars Microelectronics (THAILAND) Public Company Limited

2011– Present Independent and Audit Committee, Stars Microelectronics (THAILAND) Public Company Limited

2011– Present Independent and Audit Committee, Hydrotek Public Company Limited


2010 – 2016 Associate Professor in Finance, NIDA Business School

2013 – 2015 Independent and Audit Committee, Thailuxe Enterprises Public Company Limited

2009 – 2012 Sub-committee of Foreign Asset Management Company Selection, Social Security Fund

2011 – 2013 Asset Allocation and Portfolio Management Consultant, Finansa Asset Management

2011 – 2013 Investment Committee, National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA)

2010 – 2012 Board of Directors, Asian Finance Association

2009 – 2011 Regional Director in Thailand, Global Association of Risk Professionals

2009 – 2011 CFA Society of Thailand Board of Directors

2005 – 2013 Director of MSc in Financial Investment and Risk Management, NIDA Business School

2009 – 2010 Academic Committee, Thai Financial Planner Association (TFPA)

2007 – 2009 Director of University Liaisons, CFA Society of Thailand

2007 – 2009 Research Associate, The Individual Finance and Insurance Decisions  Centre, Canada

2007 – 2009 Finance Lecturer, Schulich School of Business, York University, Canada

1998 – 2002 Research Assistant, Schulich School of Business, York University, Canada

1997 Finance Officer, Asia Pacific Corporation

1996 Securities Analysis, Thana One Securities


  • Chartered Financial Analysts (CFA)
  • Financial Risk Managers (FRM)
  • Certified Financial Planners (CFP)
  • NIDA-Wharton Executive Leadership Program


  • 2011 FMA European Conference, Porto, Portugal, 2011, “Performance Pricing Covenants and Corporate Loan Spreads.”
  • The 17th Australasian Finance & Banking Conference, Sydney, 2004, “Prime versus LIBOR: An Empirical Study of Credit Spreads in the Corporate Loan Market.”
  • 12th Annual Conference on Pacific Basin Finance, Economics, Accounting and Business, Bangkok, 2004, “Private Information, Incentive Conflicts and Determinants of Loan Syndications.”
  • Northern Finance Association Meetings, Banff, Alberta, 2002, “Private Information, Agency Problems, and Determinants of Loan Syndications.”
  • Financial Management Association Doctoral Student Seminar, Toronto, Ontario, 2001, “A Positive Analysis of Bank Failure Resolutions Policies.”
  • Northern Finance Association Meetings, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 2001, “A Positive Analysis of Bank Failure Resolution Policies.”


  • FTA Research Funding (with other NIDA faculty members), The Federation of Thai Industries, 2004-2005.
  • Type 3-Research Funding, National Institute of Development Administration, 2004-2005.
  • Research Funding, Graduate School of Business Administration, National Institute of Development Administration, 2003-2004
  • Research Funding (with Associate Professor Aekkachai Nittayakasetwat, NIDA), Thai Military Bank Asset Management, 2004
  • Research Funding, The Individual Finance and Insurance Decisions (IFID) Centre, 2002-2003.
  • CIDA-ADGSM-NIDA Scholarship, National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA), 1998-2002.
  • Doctoral Dissertation Financial Grant, Schulich School of Business, York University, 2001


  • Academic Achievement Award, National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA), 1997


  • Kamphol Panyagometh. 2010. “Financial Modeling: Derivatives and Fixed Inocme” (in Thai)
  • Kamphol Panyagometh and Apinya Puipantawong. 2010. “Financial Management” (in Thai)
  • Kamphol Panyagometh. 2008. “Financial Modeling for Securities Analysis and Portfolio Management by using EXCEL” (in Thai)


In English

  • Panyagometh, K., M. Beyhaghi, A.A. Gottesman, and G.S. Roberts 2017. Do Tighter Loan Covenants Signal Improved Future Corporate Results? The Case of Performance Pricing Covenants, Financial Management, Forthcoming.
  • Panyagometh, K. 2016. An Anatomy of Calendar Effects in Thailand, Investment Management and Financial Innovations, Vol.13(4), pp.8-15.
  • Panyagometh, K., A. Mangmeechai. 2016. Willingness-to-pay on the New Vehicle Excise Tax: How It Will Affect the Thai Automobile Market, International Journal of Business & Management Science, Vol.6(1), pp.85-99..
  • Panyagometh, K., and K.X. Zhu. 2016. Dollar-Cost Averaging, Asset Allocation, and Lump Sum Investing, Journal of Wealth Management, Vol.18(4), pp.75-89.
  • Panyagometh, K. 2016. Intra-ASEAN Investment: Push Factors for Thailand in Comparison with CLMV Countries, International Journal of Economic Research, Vol.13(2), pp.613-628.
  • Panyagometh, K. 2016. Benefit Assessment of Outward Foreign Direct Investment on the Economic Growth: A Case of Thailand, International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, Vol.14(1), pp.329-338.
  • Panyagometh, K. 2013. Performance Comparison between Dollar Cost Averaging and Value Averaging Investment Strategies and the Impacts of Investment Horizon and Target Terminal Wealth, Journal of Applied Finance and Banking, Vol.3(3), pp.15-27.
  • Panyagometh, K. 2013. Pairs Trading and Value Investing Strategies, International Journal of Business & Economics Perspectives, Vol.8(2), pp.119-127.
  • Panyagometh, K. 2012. Weight and Stock Selections for Equity Portfolio Management: Evidence from the Stock Exchange of Thailand. Business and Management Review, Vol.2(7), pp.20-27.
  • Panyagometh, K. 2011. Asset Allocation, Time Diversification and Portfolio Optimization for Retirement. Technology and Investment, Vol.2(2), pp.92-104.
  • Panyagometh, K., and G.S. Roberts. 2010. Do Lead Banks Exploit Syndicate Participants? Evidence from Ex Post Risk. Financial Management, Vol.39 (1), pp .273-299.
  • Panyagometh, K. 2009. Can A Great Company Be A Great Investment in Thailand?. The International Journal of Business, Accounting, and Finance, Vol3(2).
  • Panyagometh, K., and G.S. Roberts. 2009. A Positive Analysis of Bank Failure Resolution Policies. In A.H. Chen (Ed.). Research in Finance, Vol.25, pp. 45-86.
  • Panyagometh, K., and G.S. Roberts. 2009. Bank Failure Resolution Policies and Subordinated Debt. In A.H. Chen (Ed.). Research in Finance, Vol 25, pp. 87-125.
  • McGraw, P.A., G.S. Roberts, and K. Panyagometh. 2007. The Evolution of Corporate Borrowers: Prime Versus Libor. In A.H. Chen (Ed.). Research in Finance, Vol.23, pp. 223-246
  • Milevsky, M.A., and K. Panyagometh. 2004. Exchanging Variable Annuities: An Optional Test for Suitability. Journal of Financial Planning, April, pp. 48-57.
  • Mawani, A., M.A. Milevsky, K. Panyagometh. 2003. The Impact of Personal Income Taxes on Returns and Rankings of Canadian Equity Mutual Funds. Canadian Tax Journal, Vol. 51(2), pp. 863-904.
  • Milevsky, M.A., and K. Panyagometh. 2001. Variable Annuities versus Mutual Funds: A Monte Carlo Analysis of the Options. Financial Services Review, Vol. 10 (1), pp. 145-161.

In Thai

  • Consulting project paper on “Two Nonparametric Tests on Bond Volatility in the Thai Bond Dealing Center,” Coauthored with NIDA colleagues, submitted to Thai Military Bank Asset Management in August 2004
  • Consulting project paper on “The effects of FTA on Thai Industry Clusters,” Co-authored with NIDA colleagues, submitted to Federation of Thai Industries in March 2005
  • Consulting project paper on “Breakeven Analysis of Thai Brokerage Industry,” Co-authored with NIDA colleagues, submitted to Stock Exchange Commission, Thailand and Association of Securities Companies, Thailand in November 2005
  • Consulting project paper on “How to Enhance Efficiency of Thai Brokerage Industry Efficiency prior to Brokerage Commission Deregulation,” Co-authored with NIDA colleagues, will be submitted to Stock Exchange Commission, Thailand and Association of Securities Companies, Thailand in December 2006


2551 A Positive Analysis of Bank Failure Resolution Policies , คณะบริหารธุรกิจ

2552 Can a Great Company be a Great Investment in Thailand?, คณะบริหารธุรกิจ สถาบันบัณฑิตพัฒนบริหารศาสตร์

2552 ยิ่งลงทุนเร็ว ยิ่งลดโอกาสเจ๊งหลังเกษียณ, The earlier you invest, the lower probability of ruin, you will have at retirement , คณะบริหารธุรกิจ นิด้า

2552 ยิ่งลงทุนเร็ว ยิ่งลดโอกาสเจ๊งหลังเกษียณ , The earlier you invest, the lower probability of ruin, you will have at retirement , คณะบริหารธุรกิจ

2552 Do Lead Banks Exploits Syndicate Participants? Evidence from Ex Post Risk , คณะบริหารธุรกิจ สถาบันบัณฑิตพัฒนบริหารศาสตร์

2552 Do Lead Banks Exploits Syndicate Participants? Evidence from Ex Post Risk, คณะบริหารธุรกิจ

2553 การศึกษาแนวทางการออกใบอนุญาตและประเมินมูลค่าคลื่นความถี่, - , คณะบริหารธุรกิจ

2553 โครงการพัฒนาระบบ Portfolio Advisory Service สำหรับ Finansa Asset Management Ltd. , Finansa Asset Management Ltd.

2554 -, Interconnection of Telecommunication Network in Thailand , คณะบริหารธุรกิจ

2554 Asset Allocation Time Diversification and Portfolio Optmization for Retirement, คณะบริหารธุรกิจ

2555 -, MACD Based Dollar Averaging Strategy: Lessons from Long Term Equity Fund in Thailand , คณะบริหารธุรกิจ

2555 Weight and Stock Selections for Equity Portfolio Management: Evidence from the Stock Exchange of Thailand, คณะบริหารธุรกิจ

2556 Performance Comparison between Dollar Cost Averaging and Value Averaging Investment Strategies and the Impacts of Investment Horizon and Target Terminal Wealth” ซึ่งผลงานดังกล่าวได้รับการตีพิมพ์ใน “Journal of Applied Finance & Banking, Performance Comparison between Dollar Cost Averaging and Value Averaging Investment Strategies and the Impacts of Investment Horizon and Target Terminal Wealth” ซึ่งผลงานดังกล่าวได้รับการตีพิมพ์ใน “Journal of Applied Finance & Banking , คณะบริหารธุรกิจ

2556 การศึกษาโอกาสและความเสี่ยงในการลงทุนด้านพลังงานทดแทนในประเทศไทย , บริษัท ยูนิเวอร์แชล แอดชอร์บเบ้นท์ เคมิคัลส์ จำกัด

2556 Pairs Trading and Value Investing Strategies, คณะบริหารธุรกิจ

2557 การศึกษามูลค่าเพิ่มทางเศรษฐกิจของภาคอุตสาหกรรม กิจการกระจายเสียง กิจการโทรทัศน์ และกิจการโทรคมนาคมไทย , สำนักงานคณะกรรมการกิจการกระจายเสียง กิจการโทรทัศน์ และกิจการโทรคมนาคมแห่งชาติ

2558 Dollar Cost Averaging, Asset Allocation and Lump-Sum Investing, คณะบริหารธุรกิจ

2559 Willingness-to-pay on the new vehicle excise tax: How it will affect the Thai automobile market, คณะบริหารธุรกิจ

2559 Benefit Assessment of Outward Foreign Direct Investment on the Economic Growth: A Case of Thailand, คณะบริหารธุรกิจ

2559 Intra-ASEAN Investment: Push Factors for Thailand in Comparison with CLMV Countries, คณะบริหารธุรกิจ

2559 การศึกษาขนาดของตลาดและศักยภาพทางธุรกิจเอนไซม์และผลิตภัณฑ์จุลินทรีย์ในระบบบำบัดมลพิษ , บริษัท ปตท. จำกัด (มหาชน)

2559 An Anatomy of Calendar Effects in Thailand, คณะบริหารธุรกิจ

2559 Integration of medical tourism industry with international product lifecycles (IPLC), คณะบริหารธุรกิจ


2549, การประเมินราคาใบสำคัญแสดงสิทธิ์โดยใช้โปรแกรม Derivative Plus , วารสารบริหารธุรกิจ นิด้า

2550, The Evolution of Corporate Borrowers: Prime versus Libor , RESEARCH IN FINANCE

2550, การศึกษาปัจจัยที่มีผลกระทบต่อการเลือก Base Rate and Credit Spreads in the corporate Loan Market , RESEARCH IN FINANCE

2551, A Positive Analysis of Bank Failure Resolution Policies , Volume 25 of Research in Finance

2551, Bank Failure Resolution Policies Subordinated Debt , Volume 25 of Research in Finance

2552, ยิ่งลงทุนเร็ว ยิ่งลดโอกาสเจ๊งหลังเกษียณ , The earlier you invest, the lower probability of ruin, you will have at retirement, Competitiveness review Nida Business School

2552, - , Can a Great Company be a Great Investment in Thailand, The International Journal of Business, Accounting, and Finance(IJBAF)

2553, Do Lead Banks Exploits Syndicate Participants? Evidence from Ex Post Risk , Spring 2010

2554, การเชื่อมต่อระบบโครงข่ายโทรคมนาคมในประเทศไทย, Interconnection of Telecommunication Network in Thailand, วารสารบริหารธุรกิจนิด้า (NIDA Business School)

2554, Asset Allocation Time Diversification and Portfolio Optmization for Retirement, International Journal “Technology and Invesment”

2556, Performance Comparison between Dollar Cost Averaging and Value Averaging Investment Strategies and the Impacts of Investment Horizon and Target Terminal Wealth, Journal of Applied Finance & Banking

2556, WEIGHT AND STOCK SELECTIONS FOR EQUITY PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT: Evidence from the Stock Exchange of Thailand, Business and Management Review Vol. 2(7) pp. 20 – 27 September, 2012

2556, MACD Based Dollar Cost Averaging Strategy: Lessons from Long Term Equity Fund in Thailand, Economics and Finance Review ” Vol.2 (6), August, 2012. ISSN: 2047 – 0401 หน้า 77-84

2556, Pairs Trading and Value Investing Strategies, International Journal of Business and Economics Perspectives

2559, Dollar Cost Averaging, Lump-sum Investing and Asset Allocation, The Journal of Wealth Management

2559, Benefit Assessment of Outward Foreign Direct Investment on the Economic Growth: A Case of Thailand, International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research

2559, Willingness-to-pay on the new vehicle excise tax: How it will affect the Thai automobile market, International Journal of Business and Management Science

2560, Intra-ASEAN Investment: Push Factors for Thailand in Comparison with CLMV Countries, International Journal of Economic Research